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Q: What are the names of the American states that are partially defined by latitude and longitude?
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How many are states are partially defined by longitude and latitude?

There are 39 states that are partially defined by longitude and latitude.

What location can be shown by latitude and longitude?

Any location on the surface of the earth can be defined with a latitude and a longitude. That's what they're for.

How many state boundaries are partially defined by longitude and latidute?


Is the equator located at 0 longitude 0latitude or 180 longitude?

The equator is defined as the zero reference line of latitude.

What cooridante is the prime meridian at?

0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude.

How do you figure the latitude and longitude of the moon?

The system of latitude and longitude is used to describe the location of points on the surface of the earth. Celestial objects don't have latitude and longitude. There is a similar system defined in the sky. Those coordinates are called Right Ascension and Declination.

What is the latitude and longitude for equator?

The equator is a latitude line, so it has no specific longitude. The equator is at 0o north or south. There are many points on the equator, so every point on the equator has a different longitude.

What is 90 degrees from north in latitude?

The North pole is defined at geodetic latitude 90

How are the lines of latitude and longitude used to locate points on Earth's surface?

The lines of latitude provide vertical (north-south) coordinates on a map or globe. Lines of longitude provide horizontal (east-west) coordinates. The defined geographical point is where the latitude line intersects the longitude line.

What are the longest latitude and longest longitude?

The longest parallel of latitude is the one defined as 'zero degrees', known as the "Equator". All meridians of longitude have the same length ... 1/2 of the earth's polar circumference.

What is another word for longitude?

If you use longitude and latitude you can find a location easily on the globe.

How many states use neither longitude or latitude to define borders?

States with only straight borders could probably be defined just by longitude and latitude. Those states are: Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico - so 4 states. Colorado and Wyoming would be easiest since they are both essentially rectangles projected onto the sphere of the Earth. Utah is a little more complicated since Wyoming bites into one corner of the state. New Mexico would require the most latitude/longitude information since its Southern border is kind of jagged. All the other states have at least one border determined by a coastline or river or mountain range or some other feature that is most definitely NOT straight, thus cannot be accurately captured just by longitude and latitude.