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Q: What are the names of the different kinds of power held by governments in the United states?
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Which type of government is most numerous in the US?

The most numerous kinds of governments in the United States are special districts. There are over 39,000 special districts across the nation.

Do Russians like music?

They listen to different kinds of music, and Russian pop its just like the same as the united states

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They wear different kinds of normal dresses. Just like in the United States.

Where can a teenage girl in the United States buy cute affordable clothes?

It depends on where you are from, there are all different kinds of great shops everywhere! :)

Name two kinds of regions in the United States?

because cows are stupid

What kinds of governments ruled Greek city states?

Initially kings, then cliques of aristocrats, then assemblies of landowners, and then assemblies of citizens.ruled by citizens made such greek city states unique.

What kinds of restrictions does the United Arab Emirates Airline have?

The United Arab Emirates Airline has restrictions very similar to those found in the United States. This is because they have modeled their airlines after United States based airlines.

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Same here in the United States. They are teachers, work in offices, etc. The Bahamas is pretty much like the United States in some ways

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They are made of different kinds of molecules.

Which kinds of nuclear tests were NOT performed in the United States?

The effects of consuming radioactive Krabby Patties.

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Lloyd's TSB Business Bank is a bank located in the United Kingdom. Just like a bank in the United States it offers many different kinds of banking options. From business to internet banking.