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Q: What are the names of the indicators that tell us if something was acid or alkaline?
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What are the names of plants that can be used as indicator of acid and alkali

What colors do chemical indicators turn and what do the colors mean?

With PH indicators, showing acidity and alkalinity, green is neutral, blue-purple is alkaline, yellow-red is acid.

Why don't all acids turn indicators pink?

because not all acids are strong some can be an acid and an alkaline and some just a weaker acid

What can tell us if something is a acid an alkaline?

litmus paper test

Why does blue litmus paper turned to red?

litmus paper finds if something is alkaline or acid blue= alkaline red=acid there are other colours along the PH scale

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On an alkaline diet us tunaq fish alkaline or acid

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Paraffin is neither acid nor alkaline.

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