

Best Answer

Well,there are no specific names for roman numerals but there are symbols.

I is 1

V is 5

X is 10

L is 50

C is 100

D is 500

M is 1000

If you want something in between of the Numerals,you can put "I ","V",or if needed ,"X "either in front or behind the Numeral.It depends on how big the Numeral is.Like for 1545,you wouldn't use 1 M and 545 I's.You would use 1 M, 1 D ,4X 's ,and 1 V.Get it?Back to the fact. You either add to it or subtract it.Like for example, V means 5 ,right? so if you put the I in front of it it means 4 (5 -1).

But if you put after the V it means 6 (5 +1).It's simple.

Please try to read this carefully because it will maybe get you to college with a scholarship.That means you get to go to college for free (instead of like 40,000 dollars or more than 80,000 Indian rupees).You would save A LOT!!!!

So hope this helped you !!!!

Improved Answer:-

The Latin names of the seven symbols that make up the Roman numeral system are:-

Mille, quingenti, centum, quinquaginta, decem, quinque and unus which respectively stand for: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1.

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