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1d ago

Some common types of acorns include the white oak acorn, red oak acorn, and black oak acorn. These types of acorns can vary in size, color, and taste.

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they ate acorns,nuts,small game,cherries,deer,and different types of berries.

What types of trees produce acorns?

An Oak tree Duhhh.!! LOL.! JK.! but yea an oak tree

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What tree has acorns?

Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree.

What proteins do acorns have?

Acorns don't have much proteins. Acorns are high in fat and carbs. source:

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What acorns are the biggest?

Bur Oak acorns are the biggest.

Does the redwood forest have acorns?

Only oak trees produce acorns. If a redwood forest has any oaks, they would have acorns, but redwood trees are conifers and produce cones, not acorns.

What is a grown acorn called?

There is no such thing I'm aware of called an "acorn tree". Acorns are a nut from the various types of Oak trees.

When was Little Acorns created?

Little Acorns was created in 2003.