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Q: What are the necessary steps to assess and handle a medical emergency until help arrives?
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What would you do if there was resident fallen on the floor out of bed and you were the first person to find them?

I would first assess the resident's condition and check for any injuries. I would then call for assistance from colleagues and medical professionals if needed while staying with the resident to provide reassurance and support. Moving the resident should only be done if there is immediate danger or to provide necessary care until help arrives.

How to be an emergency first aider at work?

As an emergency first aider at work, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of your colleagues. In the event of an accident or medical emergency, you will be the first point of contact and will need to act quickly and confidently. You will need to be able to assess the situation and provide initial treatment until further help arrives. This could include anything from administering CPR to dressing a wound. Being an emergency first aider at work is a big responsibility, but it can be extremely rewarding. Knowing that you are able to help in a time of need can give you a great sense of satisfaction.

What is the second responsibility of an EMR?

An EMR is an Emergency Medical Responder. They have certain responsibilities that they must abide by. The first is to assess the needs of the patient and the second is to render first aid as needed.

What step is next after disarming and securing a detainee?

The next step would be to assess the detainee's medical condition and provide any necessary medical attention. After that, the detainee can be transported to the appropriate facility for further processing or questioning.

What to do in the scene of an emergency?

In the scene of an emergency it is important to let emergency technicians do their work unimpeded. If no emergency technicians have arrived, take stock of the emergency and gather any information you think might be helpful to them once they arrive. IN an emergency it is important to quickly assess the damage in order to relay that information to emergency technicians. Another thing to assess quickly in an emergency is what can be done to help, sometimes the best thing to do is simply getting out of the way.

What does a medical officer do?

A medical officer assess, diagnoses and treats illnesses and diseases.

What do you do when you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights ahead?

Slow down, assess the situation and give the emergency vehicle plenty of room.

What is an emergency veterinarian and what do they do?

An emergency veterinarian is a veterinarian who has specialized in treating medical emergencies, similar to an ER doctor for humans. These veterinarians can be on call for duty at any time of the day or night any day of the year. When a case is presented to the emergency clinic, the vet will assess the animal's medical state and take immediate action to stabilize the animal to prevent death. After this, the vet will work with the presenting owner to determine what medical care the owner can/will pay for and what can be done for the animal. The main difference between an emergency veterinarian and a general practitioner is emergency vets generally don't have appointments - they handle whatever walks in the door when it shows up.

What are parts of the cbrne consequence task pillars?

Decontamination, Assess Situation, Conduct Logistics, Medical Support.

What should you do when you were called annoying?

Assess annoying behavior to see if change necessary

What are the roles for the emergency manager during the recovery period?

Emergency managers generally follow a common process to anticipate, assess, prevent, prepare, respond and recover from an incident.