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not making a child born, making the mother harder task to have.. :)

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Q: What are the negative effects of the rh bill?
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What are the negative and positive effects of RH Bill?


What are the good effects of rh bill?

our population will decrease...

What are the causes and effects of RH bill?

The Reproductive Health Bill, known as the RH Bill, was caused by the need of citizens to guarantee access to planned parenthood methods and care. The major effects are that more health care options are readily available.

Can an Rh negative father and an Rh negative mother have an Rh negative baby?


Who are more prone to HIV Rh negative or Rh positive?

RH negative

Can I be ab negative and rh negative?

AB negative is a RH negative blood type.

What blood group is given to someone who is RH negative blood group A?

You would give them A Rh Negative blood or you could also give them O Rh Negative as well. Group O is the universal donor so it can be given to anyone. If the patient is Rh Negative, they can only receive Rh Negative blood. If the patient was Rh positive, they can receive Rh positive or Rh negative.

Can a 0 positive mother and a A negative father have a A Rh's negative child?

Yes. The mother would have to have a heterozygous Rh genotype, so that she could pass on an Rh negative allele to her offspring.

Can a rhesus negative mother with antibodies in her bloodstream go on to have a normal healthy baby?

Erythroblastosis Fetalis is a disease that affects mothers with a positive RH factor when their unborn babies have a negative RH factor. It only has negative side-effects during the second pregnancy.

Can a rh negative man marry rh psitive woman?

An Rh negative man can marry an Rh positive woman. There is no reason this cannot happen.

What happens if a woman is heterozygous Rh positive and her child's father is hemozygous Rh negative?

There is a 50% that offspring will be Rh negative.

What percent of population has the negative Rh blood?

15% of the population has Negative Rh blood