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Q: What are the negative effects of tourism in Chamonix?
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What are the negative effects of tourism?

While tourism brings in revenue to a location, it can also have negative effects. Tourism may cause excessive pollution, littering, and overcrowding.

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The negative impacts of tourism in GOA is that it has negative effects in women, children and the abuse of drugs. Tourism has led to child prostitution in GOA.

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it is basically

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dhgklasdgbkljd kja

What are the posotive and negative effects of tourism in Chamonix?

the positives is that it provides business in the local area and also provides jobs for the locals and the result of this is that they have money to buy food. the negatives is that the young tourist will make lots of noise at night which disturbs the locals and causes conflict i hope this has helped

What are the positive and negative effects of tourism on culture?

Positive effects of tourism on culture include cultural exchange, preservation of traditions, and economic opportunities. However, negative effects can include cultural appropriation, loss of authenticity, and over-commercialization of cultural practices.

How do you counteract negative effects of tourism?

You stop more tourists from coming in every year

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There may be less tourism because tourists might be scared

What has been done to reduce the worst effects of tourism in majorca?

To reduce the worst effects of tourism in Majorca, areas have been set aside in order to preserve the natural state of the land. Restrictions on the areas where cars may travel and where stores and restaurants are built have also helped to reduce these negative effects.

Is mass tourism still important?

Yes, Mass tourism is still very important. Despite what people are saying about it, and the negative effects it has on environments, it still plays a large role in the tourism industry and the local industry of the area visited. If the tourism industry is to survive, and keep local bussiness's alfloat, then we need mass tourism.

What are the positive and negative perceptions of dark tourism being used in the marketing of the destination?

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