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Those would be electrons.

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Q: What are the negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom?
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What are the negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus?


Is the Nucleus of an atom can have both positive and negative charge?

the nucleus has only positively and negatively charged particles. the negative particles (electrons) orbit around the nucleus

What are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucles of an atom?

An electron is a negatively charged particle orbiting the atom's nucleus.

What part of the atom orbits the nucleus?

electrons are negatively charged sub atomic particles which surround the nucleus and never leave their orbit unless and until they are excited by a photon(packet of light)

What is the negatively charged particle that spins around the center of an atom?

an electron. :) and protons are positively charged and chill out in the Nucleus. The Nucleus also includes Neutrons which are, go figure, Neutral charge. So the negatively charged electrons orbit the Nucleus and inside the nucleus are Protons - positive - and Neutrons - neutral. In fact, what keeps the electrons orbiting is the fact that opposite charges are attracted to one another, so the negatively charged electrons are attracted to the positively charged Nucleus. (the nucleus is positive because it's made up of positive particles - protons - and neutral particles - neutrons - so the overall charge is positive.) :) Hope this helped.

What kind of charged particles does an atom contain?

The nucleus of an atom contains the neutral neutrons and the positive protons. Negatively charged electrons orbit the nucleus.

What year did Niels Bohr do his experiments?

1914-discovered that electrons(negatively charged subatomic particles) orbit the nucleus(containing positively charged protons and neutrally charged neutrons) in specific energy levels

What electrical charge are the electrons that orbit around the nucleus?

The electrons are charged negatively.

What charge do electrons have and where are they found in an atom?

They are negatively charged fundamental particles and they are in orbit around atoms.

Are electrons positively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom?

No, they are not. They are negative.

What are the particles in orbit around an atom called?

Electrons orbit the Nucleus. the Nucleus contains protons and neutrons. The proton contains positive in charge (+) and Neutrons are neutral. (=) However, electrons are the ones with negative charge. (-)

What are the three types of particles in every atom?

proton - positive charge electron - neutral charge neutron - neutral charge