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The lumbar vertebrae come next, followed by the sacral.

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Q: What are the next set of vertebrae come after the thoracic vertebrae?
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Related questions

How many vertebrae does the thoracic segment of the spine have?

twelve, 1 vertebrae for each set of ribs.

Does the thoracic segment of the spine include seven vertebrae?

The thoracic section of the vertebrae include 12 bones, one for each set of ribs.

How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine in humans?

12 Thoracic FYI 7 cervical, 5 Lumbar and 5 fused Sacral

Where is t1 on the spine?

T1 is an abbreviation for Thoracic vertabra number 1. The spine has 7 bones in the neck, called cervical vertabae, and numbered C1 to C7. Below them are the twelve thoracic vertebrae, numbered T1 to T12. Each thoaracic vertabra is attached to a set of ribs. In fact, the definition of a thoracic vertabra is that it articulates with a set of ribs. So T1 is the first spine bone connected to the uppermost set of ribs, just below the base of the neck.

Where on the body is T12 located?

These are the names given to the bottom of the thoracic vertebrae. Attached to these two bertebrae are the floating ribs.

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maybe a sequence

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depends on your family structure and depends on your physical situation like weight and height. How ever all people have different bone sizes grown to match the body type it will not change once you are grown up. That means you cannot make your bones bigger or smaller. They always stay the same size. The density might change but not the size.

The first set of seven bones forming the neck?

cervical vertebrae

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There is no set date anymore, but there is many countrovery about it coming out between the next week and next month.

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on the next update but there isnt a date set for it right now

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He brought his clock with him.