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Q: What are the nonrenewable resources of the deciduous forest?
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What are the resources in a deciduous forest?

nuts and fruits

Where are Georgia renewable and nonrenewable resources?

they are in forest and in the ground that you walk on.

What biome has deciduous trees?

I'm pretty sure it's the Deciduous Forest. Hope that helps!

What is the maple tree's natural habitat?

Deciduous forest

What are some specific resources from the deciduous forest?

Lumber byproducts, such as paper, planks, boats, and furniture.

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what are the nonrenewable resources produced in the state of arizona

What are the resources of tropical rain forest?

Natural Resources of a tropical rain forest include timber, petroleum, and rubber. Most take hundreds or even thousands of years to develop which makes them nonrenewable.

What biomes would you pass through from los angeles California to Washington dc?

the deciduous forest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest. ChaCha!

Are minerals that recycle extremely slowly nonrenewable resources or renewable resources?

Nonrenewable resources.

What will lead to depletion of nonrenewable resources?

Using them will lead to depletion of nonrenewable resources.

What are 3 nonrenewable resources?

3 nonrenewable resources are coal, oil, and gas.

What are Nonrenewable resources in the desert?

minerals and are nonrenewable .