

What are the odds of people believing in ghosts and not?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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to be honest with you i really do think ghosts are real! think about it, has anything ever happened where you dont have an explaination for. i believe ghosts want you to help them. they are down here because they want to fix whatever they did wrong in life so they can go to heaven! that is my oppion.

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Q: What are the odds of people believing in ghosts and not?
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Can dogs and babies see ghosts?

There can not be a definite answer to this, because there is not a definite answer to ghosts. Some people firmly believe in them, and others firmly believe there is no such thing. However, in the ghosts believing community, it is widely accepted the dogs and younger people are more "open" to sightings.

What year did people start believing in ghost?

It is unknown when people began believing in ghosts. However, recorded history which goes back thousands of years makes references to demons, ghosts and phantoms throughout. So it is likely that man has believed in various forms of supernatural beings from time immemorial.

What year did people stop believing in ghosts?

Many people still do. But the number has gradually decreased over the last 500 years or so.

Can you see faith?

No you can't see it. It is superficial, but you can sense/feel it. It is like believing in ghosts or aliens, which many people do and don't.

Does media stop people from believing in ghosts?

Sometimes,i guess. Cuz Some people believe the media and some people don't! Some people just go what with their guts!

What reasons do people give for believing ghosts are real?

Maybe one like, "I've seen one!" or maybe they watch a video and believe. Many of the people I know either think they've had an experience or start believing because of a TV show or movie.

Do people believe ghost are a mystery why or why not?

Yeah, it isn't something that you do or don't believe, because it's fact that ghosts and their presence are a mystery. I personally don't believe in ghosts, spirits, or anything at all like that, and I'm an atheist, so I don't know what peoples' reasons behind believing in ghosts are. Lots of people have had experiences involving ghosts and spirits etc, but a lot of the people claiming o have seen one are just taking the p***. I hope that helped!

Do normal people become ghosts?

There are no ghosts.

How many people believe in ghosts?

Their are a lot of people that believe in ghosts, and their are a lot of people who don't believe in ghosts. No one really knows how many people believe in ghosts, but mostly thousands believe in ghosts. Some people can sense their presence, and the negative energy they bring.

Are there ghosts in colonial times?

People BELIEVED in ghosts during Colonial times. Does not mean that there WERE ghosts.

How do ghosts appear?

Ghosts can't appear, there people's imagination!

How do you get a ghost to appear in your house?

Believing in paranormal is personal prerogative, scientifically ghosts do not exist. No one would want a ghost to be in their house.