

Best Answer
  • oflactory components = olfactor bulb and tract + hippocampal formation + paraterminal gyrus + septum pellucidum + fornix
  • non-olfactory components = cingulate gyrus + parahippocampal gyrus
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Q: What are the olfactory and non-olfactory components of limbic system?
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Related questions

Olfactory system sends information to what part of the brain?

limbic system

Which human body system includes the sense of smell?

The olfactory or limbic system

Where is the olefactory bulb located?

The olfactory bulb (for the sense of smell) is located in the limbic system of the brain.

What is the nerve that helps you to smell?

olfactory nerve - which is located near the Limbic System and can trigger memories.

What does the limbic portion of your brain do?

This will be an oversimplification of the matter (and this is an understatement), but the limbic system essentially helps regulate the endocrine system and the vegetative (autonomic) nervous system; it receives olfactory input, and is also responsible for our emotions, and memory.

What are the four main components of the forebrain?

cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system

Called the emotional brain?

limbic system

What are the two almond-shaped neural clusters that are components of the limbic system and are linked to emotion?


Where the cerebral interpretation of smell occurs?

The olfactory bulb, at the top of the nasal sinus, is connected to the first cranial nerve. It then sends the impulse to the temporal lobes of the brain to be interpreted as smell.

Why does the sense of smell invoke particular memories or feelings?

This has nothing to do with sharks. The olfactory bulb is a tract of the central nervous system (similar to the "optic nerve," which likewise is central nervous system tissue, not peripheral). The olfactory bulb is the part of the brain that processes sensory impulses that are sensed as aromas. It is embedded in the limbic system, a set of primitive brain structures that mammals hold in common with other chordates, especially reptiles. The limbic system is intimately connected with emotional states in humans, so when the olfactory bulb is stimulated, the parts of the brain that are implicated in emotion will also receive a collateral flow of neurotransmitters.

Do humans have accessory olfactory system?

Yes. There are two distinct parts to the olfactory system--the main olfactory system and the accessory olfactory system

The brainstem is to arousal as the limbic system is to?

The brainstem is to arousal as the limbic system is to emotion.