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I don't know, but if I had to choose I would have to say Black and White.

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Q: What are the only colors cats can see?
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Who discovered that cats only see some colors?

steven smith

Do cats see black and white like dogs?

It depends on what your question is. Cats do not see only black and white, but they do see black and white, as well as other colors(though the colors are blurry :/)

Do cats really see in black and white?

No, A new study suggests that cats can see only three basic colors and their variations: Blue, green, and yellow. Dogs can only see red and green.

What colors can cats see?

What colors can cats see? Cats primarily see muted shades of blue-violet and yellow-green but are unable to perceive red, orange, and brown

What colers can cats see?

Cats can see greens and blues, but not most other colors.

What animal can see ultraviolet colors?

Animals, such as dogs can only see the colors black, white, and grey, but it varies from animal to animal

What colers do cats see?

Cats, like most mammals (except primates and man is a primate) see only green and blue colors, but they depend mostly on their black/white vision. Primates see 3 colors, red green and blue. Birds and insects see 4 colors, red green blue and ultraviolet.

What colors do cats only see?

Cats have vision identical to a red-green colorblind human, they have no red cones meaning the colors red, yellow, and green are indistinguishable. They only have blue cones and green cones and thus can only see colors that can be distinguished via them. All mammals except primates (humans are primates) have this same limited dichromatic vision.

Can cats see colors and what colors can they see?

Cats can indeed see some colors, but not all colors. Research has found that cats have colour-sensitive cones in their eyes, but not as many as a human's. Humans with normal vision have 3 types of cones, while dogs and cats have only 2 types of cones so they do not experience the same spectrum of colour vision that we do. Cats seem to be able to distinguish between higher frequency colors, meaning cats respond to the colors purple, blue, green and possibly yellow range. Red, orange and brown colors appear to fall outside cats color range and are most likely seen as shades of grey or purple. Purple, blue and green appear to be the strongest colors perceived by cats. Tests suggest cats can distinguish between more shades or levels of gray than can humans.

Can a cat see in coloer?

Cats see some colors. Not all.

What color do cats see in?

Cats can indeed see some colors, but not all colors. Research has found that cats have colour-sensitive cones in their eyes, but not as many as a human's. Humans with normal vision have 3 types of cones, while dogs and cats have only 2 types of cones so they do not experience the same spectrum of colour vision that we do. Cats seem to be able to distinguish between higher frequency colors, meaning cats respond to the colors purple, blue, green and possibly yellow range. Red, orange and brown colors appear to fall outside cats color range and are most likely seen as shades of grey or purple. Purple, blue and green appear to be the strongest colors perceived by cats. Tests suggest cats can distinguish between more shades or levels of gray than can humans.

What color do cats see?

We believe cats do see in color, although not exactly the way we do. In past tests, cats appeared to distinguish between the low to mid light wave spectrum (higher frequency), meaning cats responded to the colors purple, blue, green and yellow range. Red, orange and brown colors appear to fall outside cats color range and are most likely seen as shades of gray or purple. Cats appear to see less saturation in colors than do humans, meaning cats do not see colors as intensely or vibrantly. Blue and green appear to be the strongest colors perceived by cats. Tests suggest cats can distinguish between more shades or levels of gray than can humans.Cats, like dogs, can see some colours: They can tell the difference between red, blue and yellow, and between red and green, although these are less distinguishable. Cats are able to distinguish between blues and violets better than between colours near the red end of the spectrum.Colour is of little importance to cats. They hunt by the motion of their prey, not by its colour.