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Q: What are the only molecules absorbed through the stomach?
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Which part of the solar radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer?

The ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer. The ozone molecules do not allow only the ultraviolet radiations to pass through.

What is the difference between Tramadol and Tramadol HCI?

You can find HCl suffix after many medicine contents. The difference is Tramadol HCl has a better bio availability than Tramadol, that means more portion of the medicine may be absorbed through the intestine. EXPLANATION: The stomach has an acidic environment. Tramadol HCl is a weak acid, so it will less ionize in acidic environment and only unionized molecules are absorbed through the gut. So Tramadol HCl is better at being absorbed through the gut than Tramadol.

Where are nutrients mostly absorbed?

In the small intestines. Only a very few substances are absorbed in the stomach, alcohol is one such "nutrient".

Can calories be absorbed through skin?

No, only through what you eat.

Where does the air taken in by the stomata go?

Most of the air goes to your lungs and some goes to your stomach. Both of them come out of the stomata only. Some air from your stomach is absorbed in your intestine. The remaining pass through lower end of digestive tract.

Bacteria can only take in food if the food is?

If the food can be degraded into small molecules, so it can then be absorbed by the bacteria.

Does water go into your stomach and then through your blood stream?

Water is absorbed through the walls of your digestive tract and participates in most of the functions in your body. The blood stream is not the only way water moves through the body but is is one of the most rapid ways to get liquid where it is needed.

How can one gets food when one gullet is directly connected to the small intestine?

Nutrients are absorbed into the body along the entire length of the digestive tract, not only through the stomach or large intestine. Shortening that tract (as is done in bypass surgeries) only lessens the amount that can be absorbed by lessening the amount of surface the food goes through. Anal-administration of substances works because of this fact.

Can you actually throw up morphine given through IV?

No... the morphine is absorbed into the bloodstream - not passed into the digestive tract. However, morphine given through IV can still make some people sick to their stomach. It can cause vomiting in those that are sensitive to it, but they would only be throwing up their stomach contents, not the actual morphine.

How does the small intestine and the stomach work together?

the stomach churns the food making it into smaller particles. also there are enzymes in the stomach that break up protiens and can only survive in stomach acid. they do this so that the food will not burn the small intestine. Bile is released from the liver into the stomach that help to break up fats. as the food passes through the small intestine its nutrients are absorbed by the villi and are taken into the blood stream.

How does it help a cell by only letting certain molecules pas through?

it can keep the cell from dying if if the wrong molecules come through

What type of molecules allow only certain molecules to pass through it?

semi permeable membranes