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By "c languages" I assume you mean C Programming languages? If so then there are still a significant amount of programming careers dealing with the c languages. Sure, it may seem that languages like c and c++ are gradually being replaced by other more popular languages like Java. Don't get me wrong, Java is a very good and powerful language and there is definitely a place for it in the world. Programmers can write versatile applications that will work on basically any operating system as long as it has a Java Virtual Machine installed on it. With that being said, what language do you suppose the Java Virtual Machine is written in? I'm not sure as to if it is c or c++ but I am certain that it is one or even a combination of the two.

Basically the point I'm trying to make is that a lot of the very serious applications and programs are still heavily written in the c languages. The operating system you used to write your question was written in one and/or some combination of the c language/s. A significant number of financial software is written in c programming languages. Things like databases, Video Games, statistical applications, device drivers, logistical drivers, and probably even more are still written in the c languages.

True, life goes on and the c programming languages could one day become totally obsolete but then again so can the other more popular languages like Java. I'm not saying that you only need to know one of the c languages to have a successful career in computer programming. Most likely you will need to know a couple of the major programming languages to have a long and happy life as a programmer. Also, for your information, most programmers are able to program in multiple languages.

In order for you to get a realistic feel for what kind of opportunities and job security there is for programmers in a certain language just go to either or and search for positions in c, c++ and finally c# and I'm sure you will be more comfortable and confidant in choosing to study the c programming languages more. I did a search and found quite a number of c++ and c programming job listing out there.

Overall, the opportunities of the c programming languages are about as diverse as the applications themselves. You could end up programming for a bank, different stock trading firms, different financial institutions, engineering organizations, universities and so on and so forth.

Just do some research and you should be better able to get a good picture of what you can expect in the world of the c programming languages.

Good luck and happy programming!

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