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Q: What are the origins of the idea that the power of governments is not absolute?
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Where did the founders get their idea about good government?

good governments get their power from their people!

During the European Enlightenment the democratic idea emerged that governments get their power from .?

the will of the people

During the European enlightenment the democratic idea emerged that governments get their power from?

the will of the people

How did the signing of the Magna Carta influence the American Revolution?

It established extremely high taxes that outraged most American colonists. Apex: It promoted the idea that governments should have limited power.

Which idea states that the power to govern should be divided between central and state governments?


Where local power get their power from?

Local governments get their power from State constitutions as well as state laws. The idea of having a local government derived from England.

Which historical event influenced the American by rejecting the idea that kings had absolute power?

Answer this question… Glorious Revolution

Where local powers get their power from?

Local governments get their power from State constitutions as well as state laws. The idea of having a local government derived from England.

Where do local government get their power from?

Local governments get their power from State constitutions as well as state laws. The idea of having a local government derived from England.

Which historical event influences the American revolution by rejecting the idea that King had absolute power?

Answer this question… Glorious Revolution

What is an absolute idea?

In the study of GWF Hegel, an absolute idea is the spiritual principle of which reality is the expression.

How did the Great Compromise support the idea federalism?

it divided power between the federal government and state governments.It divided power between the federal government and state governments