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Q: What are the part of a scientific investagationg?
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Are graphs and charts part of a scientific explanation?

Yes, graphs and charts can be a part of a scientific explanation.

What does the first part of a scientific name mean?

The first part of a scientific name represents the genus to which an organism belongs. The genus is a taxonomic rank above the species level and groups together closely related organisms that share common characteristics.

What is the first part of a scientific experiment?

The first part of a scientific experiment is asking a question.

What is an apples two part scientific name?

The two part scientific name of an apple is Malus domestica.

How are scientific methods and hypothesis related?

Hyptothesis is a part of the Scientific Method.

What is the second part in the scientific method?

enumirate the step in the scientific methood

What is the scientific name for oregano plant?

The scientific name is Origanum. Part of the mint ( Mentha) family.

What part of the scientific method is a question?

Question is the second part of the scientific method.scientific method contains:observation --> question --> hypothesis --> experiment.

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which of these is always part of scientific method

Are all scientific ideas open to scrutiny?

Yes, that is part of the scientific process.

What does scientific name mean?

A scientific name is a unique two-part name given to living organisms, consisting of the genus and species names. It serves as a universal way to classify and identify organisms, providing a standardized naming system in the field of biology.

What is the second part of the organisms scientific name?

first part: genussecond part: species