

What are the parts of plants that dont photosynthesis?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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the stem and the botton of the leaf

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Q: What are the parts of plants that dont photosynthesis?
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Parts of photosynthesis in a plant?

Photosynthesis takes place mostly inside the plants leaves as that is where the most chloroplast is kept.

Why plants dont phtosynthesise at night time?

Photosynthesis requires light energy.

Can photosynthesis occur in the non-green parts of variegated leaves?

No, photosynthesis cannot occur in the non-green parts of variegated leaves because photosynthesis needs chlorophyll to occur, and the non-green parts of the plants lack chlorophyll.

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Plants use photosynthesis to get their food and by using these food materials in respiration they get energy to repair their parts.

How do chloroplasts set plants apart from living things?

Chloroplasts set plants apart from other living things in that they are the only parts of a cell that do photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants (mostly the chloroplasts) use sun and carbon dioxide to make food and create oxygen. Photosynthesis sets plants apart and chloroplasts do photosynthesis.

Where do plants get energy for photosynthesis?

where do plants get energy for photosynthesis

Why are plants and fungi placed in separate kingdoms?

Plants have chlorophyll and make energy from light; fungi don't.

How do plants make chlorophyll?

Plants make chlorophyll by the process of photosynthesis.

What is a chloropast?

Chloroplasts are special parts of plants and algae cells. Their main roll is to conduct photosynthesis, which is how the plants/algae convert sunlight into energy.