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Q: What are the parts of turbo c environment?
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Related questions

Who is the founder of turbo c?

Turbo c program is from Borland which is an integrated development environment and a computer language. Some of the parts of turbo c were incorporated from the wizard c in 1987, but it was first developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970.

Who is the founder of turbo c program?

Turbo c program is from Borland which is an integrated development environment and a computer language. Some of the parts of turbo c were incorporated from the wizard c in 1987, but it was first developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970.

What is turbo c plus plus?

Turbo C++ is Borland's integrated development environment (IDE).

What are examples of turbo c?

1. Turbo C is an example of Integrated Developing Environment. 2. Turbo C has example programs, the most important is bgidemo.c

Differentiate C plus plus and Turbo C?

Turbo C is a software where C or C++ programming environment resides in.But C++ is itself a programming language.

What are the function of turbo c?

It's an Integrated Developing Environment.

What is turbo c-language?

Nothing. C is the language, TurboC is an Integrated Developing Environment (IDE).

Is turbo c is available for windows 7?

Yes, it is available for windows 7. You can run Turbo C in windows 7 basically using DOS Box emulator. Turbo C works fine with windows 7. Up to now, many programmers use Turbo C in programming C in windows environment.

Why is turbo C is considered as an object oriented programming?

TurboC is an Integrated Developing Environment (IDE) for C language.

Is there any purpose to the parts of a turbo c plus plus program?


Basic parts of TURBO C program?

Editor - edits text Compiler - compiles the program Linker - links the program Debugger - helps finding bugs

What is the differentiate of turbo c from turbo c plus plus?

Turbo C compiles c source. turbo c++ compiles c++ source code.