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PRISON TIME !!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DO IT U R F%@KED AND YOU WOULD NOT DO WELL IN JAIL. They will get you in there trust me. u will not like it there.

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Q: What are the penalties for marijuana growing in Missouri?
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What are the Penalties for growing 320 marijuana plants in Washington state?

Mass execution of all of your plants by public burning.

What penalties are associated with marijuana use?

Penalties include fines and imprisonment.

What are the legal penalties for Hashish?

Depends on where you live, but the penalties are similar to marijuana charges

What are Missouri laws for growing 1 marijuana plant?

prolly the same as if you had grown 2 or 3 bc your still growing "pot"!!! prolly the same as if you had grown 2 or 3 bc your still growing "pot"!!!

Penalties for growing marijuana in kansas less than 100 plants?

Cultivation Five or more plants --felony Incarceration 138 - 204 months --Fine variable

Is marijuana legal in Australia?

Marijuana is not legal in Australia, and driving under the influence of marijuana carries severe penalties.

What is the minimum AND maximum penalty for growing marijuana in South Australia?

Since 2016, the cultivation of marijuana for medical and personal use has been allowed. In January 2020, the Capital of Australia legalized the use of the drug for people over 18 years old. Laws on marijuana possession and use change by Australian state or territory. Penalties are usually fines and can vary by location and amount of the drug, with penalties ranging from $160 to $8,000.

What are the criminal penalties for taking marijuana if you're not prescribed?


What is marijuana seeds used for?

growing marijuana plants

What are the laws reguarding growing marijuana?

It depends on where you live. Most countries strictly forbid the production of even small amounts of marijuana, so growing plants can result in stiff penalties such as imprisonment. However, some countries allow the growing of a small number of plants provided the drug is intended for your own personal use or to be used as a medicine, while a very few do not limit production in any way.

Cultivation of Marijuana?

Growing it.

What are the penalties for possession of marijuana in California?

The penalties for possession marijuana in California depend upon the amount in possession. The amount can range range from $100 to $500. The period of incarceration ranges from 10 days to 3 years.