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Honestly, it depends on the state. Some its just a slap on the wrist with a first warning and others its jail time or probation ranging from a year to 6 years or more and you could lose your license until your 21.

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Q: What are the penalties for minors convicted of DUI?
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What are the penalties for minor persons under age of 21 convicted of DUI?

Penalties for minors convicted of DUI include license suspension, fines, completion of an alcohol education or treatment program, community service, and possible jail time. Additionally, they may face higher insurance rates and a permanent mark on their driving record.

What are the differences between DUI penalties and dwi penalties?

Penalties for being convicted of DWI vs. DUI differ because, in states that distinguish between the two, DUI is the least severe of the two. The severity between the two charges lies in the documented level of impairment of the driver.

What are the penalties for minors convicted of nondriving alcoholrelated offenses?

fine up to $500 and 8-12 hours of community service

What are DUI laws and penalties in Georgia?

You can get information on the Georgia DUI laws and penalties at the link below.

What are the possible penalties if convicted of a DUI in Oklahoma?

If convicted of a DUI in the State of Oklahoma, one can expect a fine of up to $1000, up to one year in jail and possibly lose their license for a period of a year. Charges can differ between state and local police departments.

What states have most lenient penalties for DUI?

States with more lenient penalties for DUI typically include first-time offenders with lower blood alcohol content levels; some states may offer diversion or rehabilitation programs in lieu of jail time for offenders. However, it's important to note that DUI laws vary widely by state and penalties can be severe even for first-time offenders in some states. It's crucial to always prioritize safety and never drive under the influence.

Penalties for driving under influence dui?


Where can one read more on the California DUI penalties?

You can read more on the California DUI penalties on the official California website for law enforcement. They provide you with the required information for DUIs.

What are the penalties for minors person under the age of 21 convicted of nondriving alcohol related offenses?

A fine up to $500 and or 8-12 hours of community service <><><> Depends entirely on the laws where you are located.

As a first-time offender convicted of DUIOWI what could face?

As a first-time offender convicted of DUI/OWI, you could face As a first-time offender convicted of DUI/OWI, you could face

The first time you are convicted of DUI in the state of Florida what happens?

For a first conviction DUI in Florida, a few things happen. You will receive a fine of $500-$1000, as well as serving jail time of up to 6 months with up to 1 year of probation. Your license will be suspended for a minimum of 180 days, and you will have to serve at least 50 community service hours and take 12 hours of DUI school. If you are convicted of any other DUI's after the first one, the penalties become more and more severe.

What are typical Arizona DUI penalties?

Typical Arizona DUI penalties are fines, license suspensions, jail time, treatment programs or an ignition locking device. These penalties will vary on severity depending on number of offenses and breathalyzer testing results.