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The problems of school students is they are either put down or really high in the social standings.

Students that are being put down seem to struggle more and feel less confident going to school. They have issues with talking to people normally, and tend to be drawn to drugs or even have suicidal thoughts, or have actions that could lead to suicide.

Students that are really high in the social standings tend to get into the wrong things too, just not the same. They like to party, get over drug, and have sex even unprotected sex. They have lots of friends and are most likely teacher pets.

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School students can face personal and psychological problems such as academic stress, peer pressure, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and bullying. These challenges can impact their mental health, academic performance, and overall well-being. It's important for students to seek support from trusted adults or mental health professionals to address these issues.

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List three major divisions of American psychological association?

American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) American Psychological Association of School Psychology (APA Division 16) American Psychological Association of Women in Psychology (APW)

Do school uniforms make students uncomfortable?

Some students may feel uncomfortable wearing school uniforms due to personal preferences or feeling restricted in their clothing choices. However, others may appreciate the simplicity and equality that uniforms provide in terms of dress code. Ultimately, the experience of discomfort with school uniforms can vary among students.

What psychological school of thought did Titchener found?

Edward Titchener founded the psychological school of thought known as structuralism. This school aimed to analyze the basic elements of consciousness through introspection.

Why doesn't maniac want to go to school?

The main reason Maniac doesn't want to go to school is because he feels like an outsider and doesn't fit in with the other students. He also has a complicated family situation and is dealing with personal struggles that make it difficult for him to feel comfortable at school.

Who is a psychological theorists that is most associated with the school of thought called structuralism?

Wilhelm Wundt is a psychological theorist most associated with structuralism. He founded the first psychology research laboratory in 1879 and focused on studying the structure of the mind through introspection.

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Family, love, best friend relashionship, personal, school, mental/emotional problems. They can be any problems you have. :)

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