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Q: What are the personality traits of a Libra male child strong points and bad points?
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What are the Zodiac personality traits of Libra males?

'''Libra''' : is the seventh and cardinal/air sign of the zodiac. General personality traits of a typical Libran:Positive: Artistic, romantic and loving, a champion of good causes, intellectual, a good friend, strongly held beliefs, charming, sincere, a sense of fairness, excellent arbitrator and communicative.Negative: Moody or sulky, flirtatious, egotistical, vain, manipulative, overbearing and indecisive.

What personality traits will a baby born on October 7 have?

Genetically, the baby will be a mixture of the personalities of the two parents. This mixture will create new personality traits of the baby in addition to directly inheriting specific traits from either parent. If you truly believe in astrology, your baby will be a Libra. So the same Libra-related personality traits that your girlfriend has will be present in the baby. These are the Libra personality traits: * Diplomatic or compromisng, possibly manipulative * Fair or impartial * Cheerful * Romantic * Gentle * Kind * Flirtatious but loyal * Easy-going * Sociable * Indecisive * Adaptive * Charming * Idealistic (in relationships) * Elegant * Graceful * Peaceful * Gullible * More likely to be influenced * Refined with good taste * Artistic * Pleasure seeking * Cooperative * Frivolous (yet loyal) But that doesn't mean that the baby won't inherit any personality traits from you, as a Leo. He or she will share some of the traits that are similar between a Leo and a Libra. Genetically speaking though, the child will have that mixture of personality traits mentioned above. As far as genetics are concerned, there's not much room for zodiac beliefs.

From Inuyash You think Kagome is a Libra or Virgo?

to me i think she strong and kind person and she not libra or virgo

What is libra compatible with?

Mostly a Leo. To a degree, they may be compatible with another Libra and/or a Pisces. A Leo and a Libra would make a very strong relationship-they would support each other.Aquarius and Gemini are excellent matches, as well as other Libras. Aquarius is probably the best match but Gemini isn't that far behind.Librians are compatible with Sagitarians and Leos.taurusIt has been my understanding that Libras are compatible w/ Geminis and Aquarius's. That means every fourth sign is supposed to be compatible. However, anyone born close to a transitional cusp, may display traits of the adjacent sign, and other factors could contribute to personality differences. For example: I'm an Aquarius, born near the cusp of Capricorn, and both my parents were Capricorns. Therefore, I may show some traits of a Capricorn as well.

What are the core traits of Libra?

Libra is associated with cooperation or compromise to exist in harmony within a partnership. It also has associations with the law and personal enemies in a natal chart. As a Sun sign Libra's traits are a desire for harmony in a partnership, seeking admiration from others, a sometimes fickle nature, a tendency to take things too lightly and great interpersonal skills.

Astrological signs and narcissism?

There are four astrological signs that are said to have traits of narcissism in them. They are Libra, Aries, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.

What are the 12 zodiak symbols?

The 12 zodiac symbols are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each symbol represents a specific period of time during the year and is associated with different personality traits and characteristics.

What zodiac sign is october 21?

If you're referring to your Sun Sign, you are a Libra. But to learn the true nature of your personality, you should have a natal or birth chart done which takes into consideration date of birth AND time of birth AND the location of your birth. This allows astrologers to determine the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets and provide you with a more accurate assessment of your personality.

What zodiac sign is october 6?

The Sun sign is Libra.

What is better dark libra or flame libra?

dark libra

Is Eminem an Aquarius?

He's a Libra born October 17.

What is the zodiac sign for october 14?

In western astrology, the sign for this date is Scorpio.