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In Hebrew, Israel the land is "Israel - ישראל", Israel the people are "Israelim ישראלים" means Israelis.

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Q: What are the phrases for Israel the Land and Israel the People?
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Why do the converted Jewish people proclaim the land of israel?

Converted Jewish people do not do any special "proclaiming" of the land of Israel.

How did people get to Israel in 1882?

There was no israel in those days, only Palestine. People went there by land or by sea.

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it is writen in the biable that god gave the Jewish people the land of israel so clearly israel belongs to the Jews

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Israel was created in 1948 on the site of The Arabic biblical land of Palestine.

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The settle became Israel in the 1967 6 day war.

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To return to their ancient land.

Where is the land of Hebrew people?

It is Israel, located in the Middle East.

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What area were the Hebrew people natives of?

They were (and still are) natives of the land of Israel.