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Q: What are the phrases used to convey the joys of love in Marlowe's The Passionate Shepherd to His Love?
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The author's tone towards the government appears critical, skeptical, or even disapproving. Words and phrases that convey this tone could include "inefficient bureaucracy," "excessive regulations," or "lack of transparency."

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You can use phrases like "many" or "a large number of" to convey the idea of abundance or plenty.

Can phrases stand alone?

Yes, phrases can stand alone as complete thoughts or expressions, even if they do not form complete sentences. For example, "Under the sun" is a phrase that can convey a complete idea or image.

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An idiolect is unique to each persoon. It is the way each person groups his/her words or phrases in a sentence to convey a thought.

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Pejorative means expressing disapproval or criticism. It is used to describe words or phrases that convey a negative or derogatory connotation.

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A phrase is made up of a group of words that convey a specific idea, but it does not contain both a subject and a verb to make a complete sentence. Phrases can include prepositional phrases, gerund phrases, participial phrases, or infinitive phrases, among others. They can function as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, or other parts of speech within a sentence.

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"Less is more" and "A penny for your thoughts" are examples of Litoles. They are short phrases that convey deep meanings in a minimalistic manner.

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Ballet is an art. It is done for the same reasons as other arts to convey statements or emotions. Ballet dancers are passionate for the dance and use it as a medium to tell a story.

What do the words fiery and rebellious have in common?

Both "fiery" and "rebellious" are words that convey a strong and passionate nature. They can be used to describe someone who is intense, energetic, or defiant in their actions or emotions.

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To convert complete sentences into phrases, you can remove unnecessary words, such as articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, but), and auxiliary verbs (is, are). Keep only the essential words that convey the main idea of the sentence.

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There is no one-word antonym for 'traffic', but there are several phrases that convey the opposite idea: empty roads, smooth sailing, quiet drive, etc.