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Q: What are the physical properties of a gas and its relationship to particle energy?
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What are the properties of an Beta particle?

A beta particle is an electron (or positron) with high energy and speed.

Is light energy considered to be a wave or a particle?

It has properties of both.

Light possesses two properties?

Light possesses both properties of a wave and a particle. As a wave it is an oscillating electric and magnetic field. As a particle, light is a packet of energy that is treated as a point particle that does not have an electric field without a charge.

What is relationship between mean and maximum energy of a beta particle?

Mean beta energy is 30% of the maximum energy.

What are the two physical properties that change with temperature?

Density and specific internal energy are two physical properties that change with temperaturea change in temperature.

Does light have more wave or particle properties?

Both. E = mc2(squared) wave is an energy form while m is mass (particle) einstein proved that light acts as wave and particle at the same time.

Is the definition of physical properties?

(physical property) any property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions

What forms of an energy does an lamps give out?

The answer is Radiant energy. Infrared light has properties of radiant energy in the form of either a wave or a particle, but not both at the same time, depending on how you look at it.

What are the similarites between chemical and physical properties?

Both are accompanied by an energy change.

What form of energy does an Infrared Lamp give out?

The answer is Radiant energy. Infrared light has properties of radiant energy in the form of either a wave or a particle, but not both at the same time, depending on how you look at it.

Light has what properties?

Light has both wave and particle properties. In some cases, the wave property is observable (Young's double slit experiment) and in other cases, the particle property is observable (photoelectric effect).

Explain the relationship between kinetic energy and the kelvin scale?

The thermal energy of a particle is directly proportional to its thermodynamic temperature (ie. its temperature in Kelvin).