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The noun form for the adjective friendly is friendliness. Some other nouns forms are friend and friendship.

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Q: What are the pilgrims nouns of friendly?
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Have ten adectives and five nouns describing pilgrims?

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Why were the Indians not friendly to the Pilgrims?

At first, many Native Americans were friendly to the Pilgrims, but they soon learned to distrust them once they realized that the Pilgrims were there to take over their land.

What is the nouns of friendly?

The noun form is friendliness.

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What is the suitable noun for friendly?

The noun form for the adjective friendly is friendliness. Some related nouns are friend and friendship.

Why didnt American Indian tribes try to attack the pilgrims?

Why would the American natives attack the Pilgrims?? Most tribes were friendly toward others.

Is May Flower and Plymouth proper nouns?

Yes.Mayflower is a proper noun (The name of the ship Pilgrims sailed to America on) As well as Plymouth (The place the Pilgrims supposedly landed.)

What are good nouns that mean friendly?

The word 'friendly' is the adjective form for the noun friend.The noun form for the adjective 'friendly' is friendliness.Some synonyms for the noun friendliness are:benevolencecompanionabilitycamaraderiefellowshipneighborlinesssociability

How do you spell friendly in french?

The word "friendly" in French is spelled "amical" for masculine nouns and "amical" or "amicale" for feminine nouns.

With whom did the Pilgrims celebrate Thanksgiving?

The Pokanoket Indians who accompanied Chief Massassoit [c. 1581-1661] celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims. Their Chief had concluded a treaty with the Pilgrims, on March 22, 1621. He had agreed to friendly interactions with the Pilgrims as protection for Wampanoag Confederacy peoples against their enemies, the Narragansett Indians of the area.

Is the words intelligent friendly and famous nouns?

No, they are adjectives, they describe the quality of a noun, and not the noun intelligent studenta friendly neighbora famous actorThe noun form for intelligent is intelligence.The noun form for friendly is friendliness.The noun form for famous is famousness.