

Best Answer

Mars, closer to the sun after the Asteroid Belt, and Saturn further from the sun.


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Q: What are the planet on either side of Jupiter?
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What planet's surround Jupiter?

saturn on the side of jupiter that is farthest from the sun and mars is on the side of jupiter that is closest to the sun

Why isn't Jupiter classified as either a terrestrial planet or a jovian planet?

Jupiter is a Jovian planet. The word "Jovian" comes from "Jove," which is another name for Jupiter.

What is the furthest planet from Jupiter?

Neptune, when Neptune is on the opposite side of its orbit from Jupiter.

What is Jupiter next too?

The Planet Jupiter is between the planet Saturn and the asteroid belt. On the other side of the asteroid belt is the planet Mars.

Why is there a storm on Jupiter?

it is in the middle of the planet in the right side

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Is Jupiter farther than Saturn or Uranus?

Jupiter isn't farther than either. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun, Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun, & Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun.

Which planet has low density and 31 moons?

either saturn or jupiter but your best bet is jupiter

What planet is nearest to Jupiter?

Mars is closest to Jupiter on average but Saturn is sometimes closer when it is on the same side of the sun as Jupiter.

How hot or cold Jupiter can be?

Jupiter can be either temperature it depends on the other planet temperature's.

Who is the closest neighboring planet and how far away is that planet from Jupiter?

it is mars on the other side of the sun . it is saturn in the other side....

Does Jupiter rotate horizontally or vertically?

Only one planet rotates on it's side and Jupiter isn't it. Verticlally is my answer.