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The theory behind using stem-cells in SCI treatment, is that they can be used to regenerate glia (a type of cell in the spinal cord that is damaged badly during injury). In order for that treatment to be effective, however, it is believed that swelling of the cord must be controlled to prevent the formation of extremely tough and fiberous scar tissue. You can put as many new cells in there as you want, but it won't do any good if their growth is blocked by scar tissue.

Current experimental "treatments" involving stem cells in SCI survivors have shown to be ineffective.

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Q: What are the possible treatment for spinal cord injury through stem cells?
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What is cause of Paralysis of Human Body?

Spinal cord injuries are caused when delicate spinal cord tissue is bruised, torn, or crushed. Spinal cord injuries can be caused by accidents, but can also be caused by diseases or disorders.As many as 400,000 Americans are living with spinal cord injuries. Most spinal cord injuries occur between the ages of 16 and 30, and about 82 percent of those who experience spinal cord injuries are male. Motor vehicle accidents account for approximately 44 percent of all spinal cord injuries. Other common causes include: • Acts of violence, including those that cause knife and gunshot wounds• Slips and falls• Sports-related injuries, mostly diving accidents• Trampoline accidents Results of Spinal Cord InjuryAfter the spinal cord has been injured, messages no longer flow through the damaged area, essentially cutting off information between the brain and certain parts of the body. Generally, the functions of the body located above the point of injury will continue to work with no loss of function, while the areas of the body located below the point of injury will be impaired. Impairment can include the following: • Motor deficit• Sensory deficit• Breathing difficulty• Bowel and/or bladder dysfunction Spinal Cord Injury

Can a back injury cause an injury to the Achilles tendon?

um doubtful.. Unless the spinal cord is damaged and is causing the tendon to react violently and beyond its normal functions. If that's happening then you have bigger problems.

The brain communicates with the rest of the body through the .?

spinal cord

What causes Brown-Sequard syndrome?

Injury or damage to one side of the spinal cord, typically in the cervical (neck) region, results in BSS

What units stacked on top of one another make up The spinal column?

The spinal column is made of many small vertebrae stacked one upon another. These protect the spinal cord that runs through them.

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What is the possible effect of a spinal cord injury?

Possible paralysis

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Death is one.

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Depends on the type of eye injury and if there is a possible spinal injury. If there is a foreign object stuck or impaled in the eye, put a paper cup over it and secure it to the patients head. Dont try to remove it. If the patient could have a spinal injury, move them as little as possible.

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Viral infection, vascular insufficiency of the spinal cord, heavy physical activity, radiation injury, traumatic injury, and atrophy of the spinal cord--have been suggested as possible causes of MMA.

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A C2 spinal cord injury is an injury to the 2nd spinal segment in the cervical section of the spinal cord.

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Justin's spinal injury was to his cervical spinal cord resulting in Tetraplegia.

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Assuming the patient is still alive; treat the same as you would any spinal injury, Assess ABCs, high flow oxygen, and spinal immobilization.

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It would mean that through injury or disease, some part of your spinal anatomy had become shortened, or narrowed.

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As no specific treatment is available for spinal muscular atrophies, the resulting complications of muscle deterioration are managed as best as possible.

Is there a possibility that a Spinal cord injury victim will back to normal?

it is not very likely but possible with a lot of physical therapy

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if you get spinal surgery your spine will be fixed

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