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See an analog design textbook for some specific examples but the gist of emitter follower's purpose in life is to transform a high output resistance signal source to achieve a signal with lower output resistance.

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Q: What are the practical applications of the emitter follower?
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Can you learn math through physics?

No, but you can use physics to show students practical applications to the math that they are learning

What are the practical applications of limits of function?

well derivatives cannt be used without limits so it is application for calculus

What element has atomic mass of 201?

Gold-201 is a beta/gamma emitter with a 26 minute halflife.Mercury-201 is stable and makes up 13.22% of natural Mercury.Thallium-201 is a gamma emitter decaying by K capture with a 72 hour halflife.Lead-201 is a gamma emitter decaying by K capture with a 8.4 hour halflife (or less depending on isomer).Other elements can be produced with an AMU number of 201, but there halflives are really too short to be of practical interest.

Is physics part of maths?

None is part of the other, but the two are closely related. Lots of practical applications of math appear, precisely, in physics.

Why do people look for large prime numbers?

Some think it is an interesting challenge. Prime numbers of up to a few hundred digits have real practical applications, in cryptography. However, the largest prime numbers found are much, much greater than that.Some think it is an interesting challenge. Prime numbers of up to a few hundred digits have real practical applications, in cryptography. However, the largest prime numbers found are much, much greater than that.Some think it is an interesting challenge. Prime numbers of up to a few hundred digits have real practical applications, in cryptography. However, the largest prime numbers found are much, much greater than that.Some think it is an interesting challenge. Prime numbers of up to a few hundred digits have real practical applications, in cryptography. However, the largest prime numbers found are much, much greater than that.

Related questions

What is the advantage of emitter follower?

The advantage of the emitter follower is that it has a positive gain of 1.

What kind of feedback is used in emitter follower?

emitter follower is a type of negative feedback ,

Which transister is used in emitter follower circuit?

A: Any transistor of either polarity can be used as an emitter follower, The purpose of an emitter follower is to provide current to the load since it cannot provide any voltage gain

What are the differences between Emitter follower and source follower?

no difference between emiter follower and source follower

What is the difference between a CB amplifier and CE and emitter-follower?

I think you mean a common emitter amplifier, which is an amplifier of voltage. Emitter-follower or common collector amplifiers are used to match impedances, or to amplify power or current. The emitter-follower is a type of common emitter circuit that has a resistor between the emitter and ground. The output signal is taken from the point between the emitter and its resistor.

What is emitter follower?

A: When a signal is not amplified but simply taken from an emitter the reason is that the emitter will provide better current capabilities

What is Voltage gain of emitter follower?

The voltage gain of an emitter follower is theoretically 1. In practice, due to losses, it is marginally less than one.

Why emitter follower is used in circuits?

The (Class C, Common Collector) Emitter Follower is used to amplify the available current from a voltage driving circuit that might be disturbed by the load impedance. If the actual voltage value is important, the emitter follower is often teamed up with an opamp which sets the emitter voltage based on the input voltage.

Why common current is called an emitter follower?

It is not called that.

What is the applications of bootstrap amplifier?

it is a mechanism applied in an amplifier so as to raise it's input impedance.Mostly this mechanism is applied in a common collector(emitter follower) amplifier.

Why collector current is called an emitter follower?

It is not. You have something confused.

Why emitter follower is called so?

Because of the geometry of the common collector configuration, changes in base voltage appear at the emitter. Said another way, what happens at the base pretty much happens at the emitter, and the emitter can be said to "mirror" or "follow" the base. The emitter is a follower of the base, and the name emitter follower appeared and was used.