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Q: What are the prevailing theories of crime control as it is applies to policing?
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What is the difference between rights based concept of policing versus a utilitarian crime control model?

A rights-based concept of policing focuses on protecting individual rights and liberties, ensuring fair treatment, and upholding due process for all individuals, even those accused of crimes. In contrast, a utilitarian crime control model prioritizes reducing crime rates and maintaining public safety through strategies such as deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation, often at the expense of certain individual rights or freedoms.

What do you believe were the key factors involved in the change of policing style from Incident Driven Policing to the Community Oriented Model?

Due to the increasing crime figures, the US Justice Department conducted a series of studies to analyse what crime prevention worked, to put to test some of the held theories by academics. There has be an number of test done in the US one of the first was the Minneapolis Hot Spot Experiment concluded in 1985 by Sherman, L & Weisburd, D. With empirical data to support the theories many police department undertaken there own studies or used data from other studies and implemented some of the modern police strategies we see used today. Hots spot policing, POP (problem orientated policing, Community policing. Which these three strategies overlap to make an effective solution for crime and disorder control.

What legacies of colonial policing remained intact after the American Revolution?

The principle of civil control of the military remained intact, the true legacy of Colonial policing after the Revolutionary War.

What is the definition for police and policing?

The governmental department charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community

What is an example of policing?

Policing is defined as an agency charged with the regulation and control of the affairs of a community established to maintain order, enforce the law, and prevent and detect crime. An example of policing would be a Neighborhood Watch program, or an undercover police officer on a campus.

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What are four theories of the origin?

Care, concern and control.

Crime control implications of social conflict theories?

crime and society at ecc??

What is the relationship between government and policing and why is the relationship necessary?

There are so many ways to look at this question. I will answer this using drugs as an example, where government=federal agencies and policing=state police. Drugs are made illegal by the government. The government relies on policing to control the people who are in the first stages of either being a consumer or distributor. When policing isn't done properly or completely, mistakes are made. Mistakes cause failures. Failures result in the "bad guys" being set free with more knowledge than they started off with. People do learn from their mistakes. In this case, learning means evading contact with police by beating them at their own game. Making it harder for the government to do their job efficiently. The government has many responsibilities and cannot waste time to fail because the policing wasn't done properly. Which causes them to turn their heads in disgust. It's a vicious cycle that I can go on and on with but to make a long story short. Policing is the first step in control. When policing fails control is lost. When control is lost things run rampant. When things run rampant the governments job to control a country is harder to do. When control is lost the government has failed. A failed government results in a failed country. I used drugs as an example but imagine the outcome and speed of which things will happen if everything illegal is allowed to run rampant. Please correct me if my thoughts are wrong and please disregard my poor composition skills. I never paid attention in school.

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