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Q: What are the product formed when excess ethane reacts with chlorine in the presence of sunlight?
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When ethane is attacked by bromine in the presence of sunlight?

when ethane reacts with Br in presence of sunlight, it forms Ethyl Bromide(C2H5Br) and then after dehydrohalogenation of the product obtained will give Ethlene (C2H4)

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in first step prepare ethane to chloro ethane fallowed by wurtz reaction. chloro ethane can be prepared free radical reaction btw ethane and chlorine

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How do you convert ethane into methane?

CH4 + Cl2 = CH3Cl + HCl (in presence of sun light) CH3Cl + Na/ether = CH3-CH3 + NaCl (ethane) this reaction is called wurtz reaction.........

What chemical is a gas?

Examples are: ethane, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, argon, nitrogen, oxygen, helium, etc.

How do you convert ethane to ethyl amine?

CH3CH3 + Br2 + hv ==> CH3CH2Br (free radical halogenation)CH3CH2Br + NH3 ==> CH3CH2NH2 (Sn2)

What are chlorofulrocarbons?

anyway, it is chlorofluorocarbons. A chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane

What is the organic compound obtained by replacing two hydrogen atoms in ethane by two chlorine atoms?

Dichloroethane. There are two types of it, 1,1- and 1,2-.

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it is flammable because it contains more amount of hydrocarbons mainly due to the presence of methane and ethane

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Is there any structural formula of n ethane and iso ethane like n butane and iso butane?

Ethane has no structural isomers and hence there is no n-ethane and iso-ethane.