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Q: What are the properties Of basis?
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Its structure

What are the active medicinal properties of blessed thistle?

Scientists have been unable to isolate any active ingredients that would account for its aphrodisiac, stimulant, or hallucinogenic properties. A volatile oil is at the basis of its healing properties.

Minerals are identified on the basis of what?

Yes, they are classified by element or chemical composition.

Where can I browse commercial propertities for sale? or will have commercial properties for sale listedd. You can also call your local realtor who will be able to update you on a regular basis with new properties.

What is the basis of arranging the elements in the periodic table?

increasing atomic number and repeating properties

What is the definition of a periodic table?

An arrangement of known elements in the form of table on the basis of their physical and chemical properties respectively.

What is the basis for the arrangement of elements in the periodic table?

The short answer is order. Elements are grouped in a table according to similarities in electron structure, atomic composition, the number of protons / neutrons / electrons. This also then naturally groups them by similar properties, metallic / nonmetallic, electronegativity, etc. Periods (columns) group by number of valence (outer shell) electrons.the basis of arrangement of element in a periodic table is based on the increasing proton number of the elements.

What are basis in a crystal structure of solid?

One of the basis in a crystal structure is classification of solids; classification on the basis of the symmetry of crystal structures (geometrical properties) and physical features of them. In symmetric, we describe shape and arrangement crystals (s.c, b.c.c, f.c.c, h.c.p ,etc.) and in physical classification, decribe physical properties (The scheme is based on the configuration of the valance electrons. for example covalent crystal, ion crystal, metallic crystal and etc.)

Is there a two letter that has v or q in it?

"Qi" is the circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese philosophy and medicine.

How would you arrange sand and water and oxygen on the basis of properties like kinetic energy and density?

The order of density is: oxygen, water, sand.

What is the primary evidence that forms the basis of seafloor spreading?

The magnetic properties of rocks along the mid-oceanic ridges change alignment in a symmetrical manner.

How do you understand trigonometry?

It is simple the study of triangles: the properties of their sides and angles. This is then extended to other, more complicated polygons and polyhedra, but the basis is still the triangle.