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as we have studied before in our investigatory project....

the leaves are the effective part to be used as mouthwash...

it is also a medicinal mouth wash that can cure mouth inflame and etc.

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Q: What are the properties of a star apple that make it an effective mouthwash?
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I DO NOT KNOW---Ben Franklin

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Is mouthwash less effective if you rinse your mouth out with water afterwards?

Not by a great deal. The active ingredients in mouthwash (antibacterial agents) are designed to work on oral bacteria during the exposure time which is displayed on the bottle of mouthwash. Typically you rinse for 30 seconds with mouthwash. After this time any oral bacteria that has been killed will be amongst the mouthwash inside your mouth, so to remove as much as possible it's advisable to rinse with water afterwards - the mouthwash has done its job by then. It also helps to prevent staining of your teeth, mouth and tongue by the mouthwash. I do not understand why there is no instruction to rinse with water after using mouthwash, however I would imagine this is personal preference - as there would be no detrimental health effects by 'not' rinsing it away.

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