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Cardiac muscle is a striated, involuntary muscle. Cardiac muscle cells usually contain 1 or 2 nuclei.

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Q: What are the properties of cardiac cells?
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What cells make up the myocardium?

Most of the myocardium is composed of cardiac myocytes.

Which muscle cells commonly branch?

The muscle cells which commonly branch are the cardiac muscle cells. The other muscles do not have any branched cells.

What type of cells form heart tissues?

Cardiac cells make up cardiac tissue.These cells are only found in heart.

Do smooth muscles have branched cells?

No, cardiac muscle cells are branched but skeletal muscle cells are linear and do not branch

Muscle tissue that has intercalated disks?

cardiac muscle cells are joined by intercalated disks.

What is the function of a cardiac cell?

Cardiac cells are muscle cells that make up the heart (cardiac tissues). When the muscles contract, they force blood out of the ventricles of the heart.

Which muscle cells can not regenerate?

Cardiac muscle cells do not have the ability to regenerate.

Why is it important for cardiac muscle cells to be branched and interconnected with other cardiac muscle cells?

so electrical impulses can be carried freely between cells

What kinds of cells are inside of you?

muscle cells neurons(nerve cells) cardiac cells

What is the fuction of the cardiac cell?

Cardiac muscle cells are the cells that make up the cardiac muscle and help to pump blood through your heart. Each of these cells contain myofibrils which are the contractile units of muscle cells. These cells have the ability to produce ATP quickly, making them resistant to fatigue.

Can New cardiac muscle cells replace cardiac muscle cells?

Cardiac myocytes (heart muscle cells) do not regenerate. They can get bigger (hypertrophy), but new cells are not made under normal circumstances. This means that when you have a heart attack or another injury to the heart and cardiac cells die, they are replaced by fibrous scar tissue which does not contract like normal heart tissue does.

What is a heart cell?

Most cells in the heart are cardiac muscle cells.