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Positive Religious experiences are those that are of Yahweh, the True and Living God

Through the Son, Jesus Christ / Yeshua Ha Meshyiach, the blind see, the deaf hear, those spiritual things previously not comprehended by them. Also the physical blindness and deafness and many afflictions are overcome. We are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ that were applied to his back before his crucifixion. They lined His back with cane strikes, bruising and cutting about 1/4 inch deep until there was no more room. Then they put them on at an angle so all could be counted. The religious experience of receiving the healing provided by this act of self sacrifice by Jesus Christ for our healing is to receive a wonderful gift of love. People are healed instantly or over various lengths of time. The Positive is that Yahweh is Love and all good and perfect gifts come down from the Father of Lights in whom there is no shadow of turning. Seeing this Love of the Father through Jesus Christ prepares one to receive by faith all His instructions and protections knowing that the God of this love is trustworthy with our whole lives and worthy of obedience and worship.

Negative experiences and results are those inspired by the devil or Satan.

Religious experiences that are man made and apart from true spirituality keep the individual bound from that which is real. They are counterfeits and distractions. To substitute for the real spirituality, practices are implemented, sometimes with great ceremony, to make the devotee think that he has pleased God. Satan's counterfeits will use fear and pride and greed all that is of the fleshly lusts to manipulate people for whatever evil intent they will accept.

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