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Pia Mater, Subarachnoid Space, Arachnoid Mater, Dura Mater, Crainum/Vertebral Bodies.

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Q: What are the protective layers around the brain and spinal cord?
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What is peridural?

The outside of the Dura Mater (a protective layer of the spinal cord and brain) of the spinal cord.

How do the cranium rib cage and spinal cavity provide protection for the organs?

The cranium, rib cate, and spinal cavity provide a bony protective cage around the brain, lungs and heart, and spinal cord, respectively.

Shock absorbing tissue that protects the brain and the spinal cord?

The cerebral spinal fluid which bathes the brain also cushions it from shock. That is contained within three layers of meninges or protective coverings which also act to hold the brain in place to prevent it from hitting the inside of the skull during rapid acceleration or deceleration.

Blood capillaries of the brain are enveloped by?

The brain and spinal cord, which can be thought of as an extension of the brain stem have a few protective mechanisms. The first is the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) which is like a cushion that bathes the brain. Also there ia a blood-brain barrier created by special cells that line the blood cappillaries that protect the delicate brain tissues from red blood cells (RBC) and certain chemicals, viruses, and medications. Then there are the meninges. They are layers of protective tissue that wrap around the brain and spinal cord much like our cloths protect our bodoes, the first layer is called pia mater. It means delicate mother, and you can think of this as silk underwear. After that the next layer is like our regular clothing, called the arachnoid mater, or just arachnoid, referring to its web-like structure, much like our cloths are webbed, or woven. The third layer is more like a leather jacket and leather pants. This is the 'tough mother' or dura mater. And finally, the brain and spinal cord is protected by a skeletal encasement, the brain in the cranium and the spinal cord in the vertebrae. Think of this like safety gear such as elbow and knee pads, shin guards, helmet, boots, wrist guards, and gloves. Such a complex system as the brain and spinal cord needs lots of layers of protection. I hope this created a complete picture for you so you can vizualize the layers surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

What part of the brain contains cerebral spinal fluid?

It's called 'cerebro-spinal fluid', and it's found around the cerebrum and spine.

What is the function of the arachnoid vill?

Its a protective layer around the brain and spinal cord bettween the Dura mater and Pia mater

What is the function of the pia mater?

It creates a protective barrier to the brain

What all helps to protect the brain?

The meninges are the protective layers of the brain, the dura mater, arachnoid space, and the pus mater

What is the brain to the spinal cord?

the spinal cord is used to send messages around the body from the brain ie use left hand and arm to wave etc...

What is ventral subarachnoid?

It is the area between the pia matter and the arachnoid membrane of the brain. The pia matter is part of the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The arachnoid membrane is the inner layer of three layers that surround the brain and spinal cord.

What is the liquid around the brain?

Cerebral spinal fluid

What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid and the meninges of the brain?

it is a colourless, hydraulic cushion found within the ventricles of the brain, subarachnoid space around brain and spinal cord. functions: it acts as a shock absorber to protect the brain and spinal cord. it supplies nutrition to the brain and spinal cord. it removes waste products from the brain and spinal cord. it protects the brain and spinal cord from diseases causing organisms.