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It empowers the Presidency of the President and helps the President follow the rules of the Congress

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Q: What are the purposes of Articles II of the Constitution?
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What part of the US Constitution lays out the powers and composition of the executive branch?

article 1

Which articles of the constitution are the president and vice president in?

The Executive Branch of government, which includes the president and vice president, are described in Article II (2) of the U.S Constitution.

How many articles does the constitution have-?

There are seven Articles in the Constitution. The three parts of the Constitution include the Preamble, the Articles, and the Amendments.

What are the seven major parts of the Constitution called?

The 7 main parts of the US Constitution are called Articles, and each deals with a specific portion of the federal government or the Constitution itself: Article I - The Legislative Branch (Congress) Article II - The Executive Branch (President and departments) Article III - The Judicial Branch (US federal courts) Article IV - The States powers in relation to the federal government Article V - Amending the Constitution Article VI - Application of the Constitution (supreme law of the land) Article VII - Ratification of the Constitution

How many articles were in the the original constitution?

There were 7 articles in the original Constitution.

What does the Articles Of Constitution mean?

Article II covers Executive powers (What the President and his people can and can not do).

How many articles are there to the constitution of Romania?

The Romanian constitution has 156 articles.

How many articles are there in the constitution of India?

There are 395 articles in the constitution of India

What are the names of the seven major sections the constitution is divided into?

Articles because the Constitution has 7 articles.

what are articles ( history)?

the main part of the u.s constitution . articles I, II , III cover the legislative , executive ,and judicial branches ; articles IV - VII cover state powers , the amendment process , general provisions , and ratification.

How many articles are there in the US constitution?

There are 7 Articles in the constitution and 27 Amendments.

How many articles does the Louisiana State Constitution?

they have 14 articles in the Louisiana constitution.