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Censure the word means severe criticism or rebuke officially.

It is a minor punishment and is usually inflicted to the erring employees for their proven misconduct of minor in nature and it has no ramification.

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1mo ago

Censure is a formal rebuke or condemnation of an individual's actions. The ramifications can vary, but typically include damage to reputation, loss of credibility, and potential limitations on future opportunities or responsibilities within a professional or political context.

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13y ago

nothing. it is no more than a reprimand. no one is fired or removed from their seat. only a record is made. the procedure is pointless. congrats mr rangel

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Q: What are the ramifications of censure?
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What are the possible ramifications of failure to remedy complaints?

Failure to remedy complaints can lead to decreased customer satisfaction, loss of trust in the company, negative word-of-mouth, and potential legal action. It can also result in a damaged reputation and loss of business in the long term.

Is it agenst the law to hit a girl?

Yes, it is against the law to hit anyone, regardless of their gender. Physical violence is a criminal offense and can result in legal ramifications. It is important to seek help from authorities or support services if you are in a situation where violence is occurring.

How are judges disciplined?

Judges can be disciplined through a variety of methods, including formal complaints or investigations by judicial conduct commissions, suspension or removal by a higher court, or impeachment by a legislative body. Disciplinary actions aim to hold judges accountable for misconduct or ethical violations and maintain public trust in the judiciary.

Is it illegal for a 23 year old to date a 18 year old?

In most places, it is not illegal for a 23-year-old to date an 18-year-old. However, it's important to be mindful of the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction to ensure that any intimate activities are consensual and legal. It's also important to consider the maturity and life stage differences that may exist in a relationship with a significant age gap.

Why was it illegal to help slaves escape slavery?

Helping slaves escape slavery was illegal because it went against the laws in place at that time, which upheld and protected the institution of slavery. Slave owners and lawmakers saw such actions as interfering with their property rights and economic interests. Additionally, there were severe penalties for those found aiding in the escape of slaves.

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How do you spell censure?

That is the correct spelling of the term "censure" (to rebuke).

What part of speech is censure?

Censure is a verb. It describes an action of strongly disapproving of something. Censure is also a noun, a strong disapproval.

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Who formal disapproval of a senators actions?

Formal disapproval of the actions of a member of Congress by the other members is known as censure. this is a motion that can be presented by any member of the Congress to be debated by the others.

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How do you use the word censure in a sentence?

The word 'censure' is a verb; to severely disapprove in writing or through a formal process. The word 'censure' is a noun; a word for the expression of a disapproval, an official reprimand.Verb: It is not enough for Congress merely to censure a corrupt judge.Noun: The censure included removing the judge from office and incarceration.

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We can use it in a sentence as. I am sorry, but I can not censure this.

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