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Here is the list of Arabian coats in rarity order, going from rarest to most common:

Dun 1%

Flaxen Liver Chestnut 1%

Mousey Grey 1%

Strawberry Roan 2%

Roan 4%

Black 4%

Cherry Bay 5%

Dark Bay 6%

Flaxen Chestnut 7%

Liver Chestnut 9%

Bay 10%

Chestnut 10%

Dapple Grey 11%

Fleabitten Grey 12%

Light Grey 17%

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Q: What are the rare coats for the Arabian horse on howrse?
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They come in Grey, bay , Chestnut, Brown, Black (very rare), and sometimes roan.

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Well the Arabian can be 13.2 hands (Raffles) to 16 hands tall (rare) So 14 hands is taller than some, but smaller than most.

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There aren't any "rare" breeds of horses on Howrse. The closest you could get would be a Xanthos, Sleipnr, or the one and only Cowbra. Those are Divine horses though, and you can only get them in card packs, or spend millions of equus and buy one from auction. Or if you're lucky you can get one for 200,000e and 10 passes from a Private Sale.

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Color-copied! There is no Fantasy Horse or Present Horse.

On Howrse how do you get the fifth element?

The 5th Element Coats were a very limited edition black market item and are no longer available. You now have to buy a howrse with one of the 5 elements already attached to get it.