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hah ..there is no reason lol....

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Q: What are the reason most American drink alcohol?
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Related questions

Do Hindu's drink alcohol?

Some branches of Hinduism do not allow alcohol, but most have no specific prohibition on it.

Why do famous people who do drink alcohol?

Most high status people drink alcohol, as do those who are more educated.

Who is most likely to drink alcohol?


Why does people like to drink alcohol before they are 21?

The only reason most kids drink alcohol before they are 21 is either because their pairents do and they are exposed to it a lot or, because their pairents are very strict and you know how it is strict pairents make sneaky kids.

What is the common alcohol drink in UK?

the most common drink is beer why of course!

Where are most cities in Russia located?

it is illegal for inderaged to drink alcohol. if they drink it is iilegal.ok?

Who drinks the most alcohol in the UK?

The most popular age group of people who drink alcohol the most are people on the 20's.

Do Chinese people drink alcohol?

Yes Chinese do drink alcohol because i have been to china before

Why most of IT sector's employeers drink alcohol?

Most people in all sectors of the economy consume alcohol, and do so in moderation.

The most typical alcohol people drink?

vodka and or whiskey

What is the most popular alcohol free drink in the world?


What drink is the most dehydrating?

Alcohol, tea, coffee, soda.