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A nation-state is a country formed by one people sharing the same cultural heritage, language, or race. Nation-states started to appear in Europe in the 15th century due to the following reasons:

1) Decline of feudalism: Some strong Europeans leaders took back land and power from lands or some strong lords defeated other enemies to established a unified country

2) Decline of influence of Church: people were no longer only concerned about feudalism. Strong European leaders establish country ruled by their own people and were no longer under controlled of the Church.

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Western Europeans were united in a religious sense, as the Spanish Inquisition was ongoing in the Iberian Peninsula. Here, Christians were expelling Jews and Muslims and reconquering the peninsula for Christianity. However, Western Europe did not truly recover from the Dark Ages until the end of the Inquisition and the voyage of Christopher Columbus in the end of the 15th century.

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Feudalism, The centralization of political authority under the monarchy, the general prosperity, and the effects of the Renaissance

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