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Q: What are the reasons of the Ecumenical Council?
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Is the Second Vatican Council an ecumenical council?

Yes, it was an ecumenical council.

When was Polish Ecumenical Council created?

Polish Ecumenical Council was created in 1946.

What is or was the New church of Trent?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere was no new "church of Trent". The Council of Trent was 19th of 21 general ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church, (not counting the Council of Jerusalem in the books of Acts): First Ecumenical Council: Nicaea I (325)Second Ecumenical Council: Constantinople I (381)Third Ecumenical Council: Ephesus (431)Fourth Ecumenical Council: Chalcedon (451)Fifth Ecumenical Council: Constantinople II (553)Sixth Ecumenical Council: Constantinople III (680-681)Seventh Ecumenical Council: Nicaea II (787)Eighth Ecumenical Council: Constantinople IV (869)Ninth Ecumenical Council: Lateran I (1123)Tenth Ecumenical Council: Lateran II (1139)Eleventh Ecumenical Council: Lateran III (1179)Twelfth Ecumenical Council: Lateran IV (1215)Thirteenth Ecumenical Council: Lyons I (1245)Fourteenth Ecumenical Council: Lyons II (1274)Fifteenth Ecumenical Council: Vienne (1311-1313)Sixteenth Ecumenical Council: Constance (1414-1418)Seventeenth Ecumenical Council: Basle/Ferrara/Florence (1431-1439)Eighteenth Ecumenical Council: Lateran V (1512-1517)Nineteenth Ecumenical Council: Trent (1545-1563)Twentieth Ecumenical Council: Vatican I (1869-1870)Twenty-first Ecumenical Council: Vatican II (1962-1965)All of these councils were councils called by the Holy Father and attended by as many bishops as he could get there. They were all guided by the Holy Spirit and approved by Rome so that their decisions are binding on all of Christ's Church. Each and everyone of them was called to deal with various heresies. Many of their decisions involved the first time a doctrine was actually "defined" for the simple reason that it was the first time it had seriously been called into question. There was no new church after Trent, just as there was no new church after Nicaea. Despite other opinions to the contrary, the Church of Rome was established by Christ and remained faithful to Him throughout the centuries. There is no "church of Trent".

In which location did Constantine convene the first Ecumenical Council?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe first Ecumenical Council of the Church was the First Council of Nicaea, which, unsurprisingly was held at Nicaea as Councils are named after the town or location where they are held.

What is the site of two ecumenical councils?

The ecumenical council refers to a conference of the theological experts and the ecclesiastical dignitaries convened to settle and discuss matters of the various practices of the church. It is also called the oecumenical council.

What county was Vatican I held in?

Vatican Council I was the first Ecumenical Council to be held at the Vatican in Vatican City which is an independent country.

What was the most recent ecumencial council?

The most recent ecumenical council was the Second Vatican Council, which lasted from October 11, 1962 to December 8, 1965.

Which ruler held the First Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe First Council of Nicaea held in 325 A.D. was attended by the Emporer Constantine. However, he did not call it, only the Holy Father, the Pope in Rome, can call an Ecumenical Council. It produced the Nicene Creed.

What was the role of the Council?

The role of the First Vatican Council was an ecumenical Council that defined Papal infallibility and several other doctrinal issues. The role of the Second Vatican Council was purely pastoral.

Where does Council of Trent take place?

The Council of Trent took place in Trento, Italy, between the years 1545 and 1563. It was an important ecumenical council of the Catholic Church that addressed issues related to the Protestant Reformation.

What religion is associated with the Council of Trent?

The Council of Trent is associated with the religion of Roman Catholicism. It was the 19th ecumenical council and is highly important for it's sweeping decrees of self reform.

What held the ultimate power in the Eastern orthodox church?

An Ecumenical Council, which was presided by the Emperor in Constantinople