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"Better" is a debatable term, but I would have to say because the offense of robbery is straight forward... it either occurred or it didn't. Whereas corruption and bribery are much less straight forward and often require cooperation from participants or infiltration of an organization in order to prove.

Additional: It is noteworthy that robbery is a crime against persons, while bribery and corruption are crimes against property. The fact of the matter is that all the offenses mentioned are felonies and will net the perpetrator lengthy prison sentences.

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Q: What are the reasons why corruption is worse than armed robbery?
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Why is armed robbery worse than corruption?

corruption is what leads to armed robbery. a corrupt nation is a nation in which people suffer injustice and the people that will surfer are the poor leading them to frustration and then takes the laws all into their own hands by going into to rob the rich which simple means that corruption is what leads to armed robbery, in a fair and stable government no one will want to rob anybody because everyone has equals rights. Egbuchulem Benita Excel college basic 9 gold

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It depends. They might describe the same event. Armed robbery means you had a gun, aggravated robbery means there was an aggravating factor or something that made the robbery worse. Using a gun is probably one of them. Specific aggravating factors for a crime in each state can be found in state statutes.

Is corruption worse than armed robbery?

corruption is what leads to armed robbary.a corrupt nation is a nation in which people surfer, injustice and the people that will surfer are the poor leading them to furstration and the take the laws into their own by going to rob the rich which simple mean corruption is what lead to armed a fair and stable government on one will want to rob any body because every body as equal rights.

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Bribery and corruption undermine the trust and integrity of institutions and systems, leading to long-term negative consequences on society and the economy. They erode democratic processes and fuel inequality by giving unfair advantages to a few individuals or groups. In contrast, armed robbery is a violent crime that poses a direct threat to individuals but does not have the same widespread societal impact.

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