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The stratopause is not a region of the atmopshere. it is the border between the stratosphere below anjd the mesosphere above. It is located 31 to 34 miles above the surface.

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Q: What are the region of the atmosphere is known as 'stratopause'?
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Which earths atmosphere is below the stratopause?

The Stratosphere

What separates the layered gases in the atmosphere by their what?

Tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause separates the parts of the atmosphere. Tropopause separates troposphere and stratosphere.

What atmosphere is located immediately below the stratopause?

The Stratosphere.

What do the stratopause tropopause and the mesopause all have in common?

The stratopause, tropopause, and mesopause are all interfaces between two layers of the atmosphere.

What is located directly above the stratopause?

The mesosphere is located directly above the stratosphere. The mesosphere is known as the 'middle atmosphere' and is where millions of meteors burn up daily.

What are the interfaces of the atmosphere?

1. There are 3 interfaces in the atmosphere. The tropopauseis between the troposphere and stratosphere. The stratopause is in between the mesosphere and stratosphere. Lastly, the mesopause is between the thermosphere and the mesosphere.

What region is on earths atmosphere?

The Region of the Earth's atmosphere is the Homosphere.

What is the glowing region in the atmosphere called?

the glowing region in the atmosphere is called an aurora. An aurora example of an aurora would be aurora borealis or the northern lights, or the aurora australis which is also known as the southern lights. *<=D

What are the sub-layers of the the atmosphere?

From the top down: exosphere Lonosphere * Thermosphere Mesopause * Mesosphere Stratopause * Stratosphere Tropopause * Troposphere (the ones with stars next to them are sub-layers)

What is located above the stratopause?


What separate the stratosphere from the mesosphere?


What is located immediately above the stratopause?

The mesosphere is located immediately above the stratopause.