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Q: What are the religious differences between the Amish and the shakers?
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What are the differences between the Amish and the Pakistanis?

Pakistanis are from Pakistan, a country in Asia, while the Amish are a Christian denomination.

Is Amish part Irish and part American?

No. The Amish are a religious community with its origins in Switzerland.

Religious group that starts with an A?

atheists haha but actually, anglican, amish, anabaptist

What are the differences between Hutt rights from Amish?

Dumbo it's "Hutterites" and the difference is, Hutterites are open to modern technology while the Amish shun it. The Hutterites believe in an undivided way of life, such as what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine. The Amish are more on the independent side

List of american religions that dress in 1800 clothing?

Some American religions that dress in 1800s clothing include the Amish, Mennonites, Quakers, Shakers, and some fundamentalist Mormon sects. These groups adhere to traditional dress as a way of living out their religious beliefs and maintaining a connection to their historical roots.

Are Pennsylvannia Dutch same as Amish?

The Pennsylvania Dutch are a cultural group in Pennsylvania who are of German descent. They include various religious groups, such as the Amish and the Mennonites, but not all Pennsylvania Dutch people are Amish. The Amish are a specific religious group within the Pennsylvania Dutch community who follow a conservative and traditional lifestyle.

What is the taste of freedom for Amish people called?

"Rumspringa" is the word for Amish teenagers' period of experimentation and freedom from religious rules.

What is the main differences between style and quality of Amish furniture compare to that brought in normal stores?

Amish furniture is furniture manufactured by the Amish, primarily of Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Ohio. It is generally known as being made of 100% wood and usually without particle board or laminate. The styles most often used by the Amish woodworkers are generally more traditional in nature.

What are some specific religious in Indiana?

In the north there are Amish, and the state has just a few surviving Shakers. The latter are dying out due to their celibacy. Plainfield, Indiana, has a number of Muslims, though the town was established by the Quakers. There are also Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, Bahais, Nicherin (new Japanese relgion) and Wiccans.

What is a religious sect in Ohio with five letters?

Amish. Are you from Mrs.Kellys Class?

What is the origin of the Amish?

"The Plain People", also known as the Old Order Amish, originated in Switzerland about 1525. William Penn saved The Amish from extinction by granting a haven from religious persecution in America.

What's the difference between Amish and Mennonite?

Amish and Mennonites are both Anabaptist groups, but they have some differences. Amish tend to be more conservative and have stricter rules on technology and lifestyle, while Mennonites are more varied in their beliefs and practices. Additionally, Amish communities are more insular and tend to live a more traditional agricultural lifestyle compared to Mennonites who may be more integrated into mainstream society.