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In most states, having a child automatically emancipates a minor. Check with your local courthouse, who should be able to tell you if this applies in the state of Delaware. * There are no US states where pregnancy or the minor already having a child constitutes emancipation rights. Delaware does not have emancipation status. But as in all US states if the minor is in need of public aid she can contact the state social services who will petition the court for limited emancipation rights to allow the minor to be eligible for such public assistance as Medicaid.

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Q: What are the requirement for a 17-year-old mother to be emancipated in Delaware?
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No, becoming a teen mother does not automatically emancipate a minor in Florida. Emancipation is a legal process that must be pursued through the court system. Being a teen mother does not automatically grant emancipation status in any state.

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Your mother does not have to do anything. And having a child does not mean one is emancipated automatically.

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Kentucky does not have an emancipation statute.

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It depends what state you are in she could have you emancipated

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No, you are not emancipated.

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No, becoming a mother does not automatically emancipate a minor girl in Texas. Emancipation requires a legal process to be completed, which involves obtaining a court order declaring the minor legally independent from their parents or guardians.

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No, pregnancy does not automatically emancipate a minor in Oklahoma. Emancipation generally requires a court order and meeting specific criteria such as having financial independence and living away from parental control. Minor parents may still require parental consent for certain decisions related to their pregnancy and childbirth.

If you are 15 years old and had a baby can you be emancipated from your mother?

If your mother is willing to go to cort and sign the paper for it then it is very possible .