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Most are required to take 6 months to a year of Massage Therapy schooling. If you live in the United States, visit AMTA is the American Massage Therapy Association, and its website should be able to direct you to accredited institutions in your state, where you can find your state's requirements. In most, if not all, states, a license granted by the state is required to practice massage therapy. In some states, graduation from an accredited program will be sufficient to allow you to practice on your own; in other states, you must graduate an accredited school and also take a licensing exam. Depending on the state's educational and clinical (supervised practice) requirements, you'll have to attend class for about a year or two(though some schools have much more comprehensive programs focusing on a variety of types of bodywork). Some schools have longer programs. You will have to take basic courses in human anatomy and physiology at the beginning. You will also learn Swedish massage, the most popular "relaxation" style of massage, and some form of so-called "medical massage", which deals with the use of massage in increasing a client's muscle flexibility and strength and restoring his range of motion (but this in no way comes close to a physical therapist's rigorous training). You may also learn an "Eastern" approach to massage, such as shiatsu. A very important factor to consider in choosing a school, aside from its accreditation, (which is a must) is the resources the school devotes to finding jobs for its graduates. The market for massage therapists is extremely competitive even in a good economy.

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15y ago

My boyfriend, Bryan says that you have attend message therapy school for 4 years in that true

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15y ago

Please check the website devoted li State Regulations. For directional information.

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12y ago

There are no specific requirements. You have to be neat and tidy and have a high school at least if you want a diploma.

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How long has massage therapy been in practice?

Massage therapy is one of the oldest health care practices known to history. References to massage are found in Chinese medical texts more than 4,000 years old.

Train and Bring Relief to Others?

When you want to become a professional massage therapist, you must successfully complete massage therapy training and education courses. Becoming a massage therapist requires more than knowing how to give a good massage. Many massage therapists must take courses in physiology, anatomy, and psychology.Massage Therapy InformationMassage therapy was not always recognized as a professional career field. However, more schools are offering complete courses in massage therapy education as the field grows. In order to be accepted into a massage therapy program, many schools require you to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Certain schools may also require individuals who wish to apply for entrance into a massage therapy program to interview before being accepted into the program.Therapeutic massage encompasses over a hundred different techniques. However, before you pursue a certain technique, you can become certified as a massage therapist. Once you become certified in massage therapy or receive a massage therapy degree, you can further your career by studying other techniques.In addition to learning massage techniques, students who enter into a massage therapy program will also learn a variety of other subjects. Massage therapists are trained to know what can make a person feel both physically, and mentally better. Subjects such as nutrition, business, and ethics are all a vital part of receiving a complete education in massage therapy.Massage therapy education can be an ongoing process. Depending on how in-depth you want your education, massage therapy programs can last as little as a few weeks to as long as two years. When you choose a massage therapy school, it is advisable to choose a school that has been accredited. Once your education is complete, you must take a national exam in order to be officially certified.Many states regulate massage therapists. Some states may require you to complete a certain amount of hands-on training hours before you can become a professional massage therapist. Before entering into any massage therapy program, you should find out whether the school offers hands-on training, as well as internship opportunities. Certain massage therapy courses may be taken online, while other courses may require hands-on class time.

After high school how long does it take to be a massage therapist?

To become a licensed massage therapist requires between 500 and 2000 hours of training after high school. That translates into between 6 months and 2 years of training after high school at a board certified college. The exact time will depend on which province or state you would like to practice in.

How long is massage therapy school?

Almost all programs require at least 500 hours of formal instruction. You should contact specific schools though to see how long their programs last.

How long will I have to go to school or training to become a massage therapist?

There are several massage therapy schools that offer programs to help a person become a licensed massage therapist. Depending on the number of contact hours required by state the programs can take a few weeks to two years.

Massage is in Strong Demand?

One of the locations that will definitely never have a shortage of demand is massage therapy. Perhaps the best way to get into the industry of massage therapy is to attend a vocational Academy for massage therapy training. This is one of the easier types of vocations to get into, but one of the most difficult types of vocations to actually complete and do well. Because a vocational school is really the only place where you can attend in Academy for massage therapy training, you must become very focused on the certification and graduation process. Any reputable vocational school or Academy for massage therapy training will make sure that you stay completely focused on the task at hand, because they know that this is the only way to break into the massage therapy industry. However, if you can break into the massage therapy industry by attending a reputable Academy for massage therapy training, you have the world at your fingertips. The people who want massage therapy are definitely not people who will ever have any trouble paying you, and so you will be entered into a world that always has expendable income for you no matter what the outside economic environment may look like. This is essential for maintaining high paying, long-term employment getting into touch with people who always have a great deal of expendable income. You can also begin your own massage therapy business or even your own massage therapy training business after you gain enough experience within the industry. The best massage therapy training schools are also the ones that teach you your skill set in a quick way. Most academies for massage therapy training do not take any longer than two years, and do not cost more than it would take to pay for program with a day job. Fortunately, you can definitely keep your day job at a reputable Academy for massage therapy training, because vocational schools of this nature are incredibly flexible when it comes to scheduling and completing assignments. With all of these advantages, it is little wonder that many people are moving from university-based programs to specific Academy for massage therapy training class.

Can you give a massage if you are not a massage therapy?

Yes, anyone can massage someone else. That is a natural act that has been around for a long time, the difference is if you charge money or barter, then it is considered a business and that mans you have to have a license. So as long as you don't collect money for it, then you can give a massage.

What system is used in Swedish massage therapy?

Swedish massage uses a system of long gliding strokes, kneading, and friction techniques on the more superficial layers of muscles.

How long has massage therapy been in existence?

Massage therapy has been around for almost 3,000 years. Eastern cultures like the Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and India have been using massage for a very long time. Cultures including Ancient Eqypt and the Roman Empire have recorded evidence of massage practices. However, probably since the beginning of mankind some form of massage has been around. When you bump your elbow and grasp onto it to apply pressure- that is in one sense massage.

How long after graduating from massage therapy do you have to get your license?

Once you have your graduation certificate from a massage therapy school there is no time limit for getting your license. Most people get their license soon after they graduate. If they need to take the NCETM, NCETMB, or MBLEx, it may take a bit longer. Usually that adds another month or two, but some people get their license even a year or more later.

How long has massage therapy been advocated in western civilization?

Massage has been advocated in Western health care practices at least since the time of Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine."