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It needs Puffle O's and hot sauce. You can only do this in Questions for a Crab.

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Q: What are the right foods for a black puffle to eat to catch on fire?
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In club penguin which puffle can catch on fire?

The black one, as long as it is happy and eats the right foods.

Can you adopt a black puffle even if your not a member?

you must buy it right before your membership expires! when it does you will still keep the puffle

How do you unlock the door in the hidden lake on club penguin?

you have to beat all the levels in the the black puffle rescue then when you beat it take the key when you find it and go to the hidden lake. click the door and your in. I've never beat the black puffle rescue before but i know how to get the key.

Can you rename your puffle on Club Penguin?

Nope. It says right in the puffle catolog.

How do you catch Kyruem?

You catch Kyurem at Giant Chasm At the top right corner of the map on white or black

Where can you play club puffle?

There are a bunch of club puffle websites. You just have to find the right one!

Where is puffle island in Club Penguin?

There Is No Puffle Island On Club Penguin. There May Be One In The Future, But For Right Now, Puffle Island Doesn't Exist.

Where is puffle launcher in clubpenguin?

the puffle launcher game is in the pet shop! when you go in there, go to the cannon on the right! and there u go! there's Puffle Launcher!

Where do you to find the puffle playzone to turn it to a puffle and in clubpenguin?

It was only possible during the Puffle Party 2012. Now you cannot do so. It might come in the next puffle party but not right now.

Where do you find a rainbow puffle on club penguin?

You need a puffle, then take the puffle and you have to beat the last level in puffle launch with all the puffle o's, then you take your puffle to the recycling unit and it should change colors right before your eyes!

How do you jump on the bubbles in club penguin puffle rescue trying to get the key?

you just go on the bubble but first you go to the puffle rescue game and you have to be a member OK then you go straight on the black puffle one when you get the puffle wait for the Shadow to come then when the shadow passes you go on the bubbles intill you get to land when you get to land go to the right and go intill you find a door go in that then the key is there

Is there a brown puffle in Club Penguin?

Yes, I am currently playing Club Penguin to get the brown puffle you, go to the dock, follow the arrow, read the note on the ground, and then follow the gears or go right, up, right, down, left, down, and right. Once you have finished this you will be able to buy the brown puffle. Good Luck! Their are also Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, Black, Green, Yellow, White, and Orange. Have fun playing!!!!!